Archive: identity
Restriction Mode: How YouTube is Leaving its LGBTQ Audience Behind
By Jill Fredenburg Imagine your favorite Beauty YouTuber stating that he can no longer post weekly videos because he needs to spend more time at his day job. Or your star Pet YouTuber significant
Categories: 2020, The Gnovis Blog
Are Selfies Selfish?
It’s common practice for an older generation to give the younger generation a hard time. The Boomers have by far gone above and beyond to make sure that everyone knows the awful norms of Millennials a
Categories: 2015, The Gnovis Blog
Transforming Slacktivism to Collective Activism: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
In recent years, it has become popular for researchers to study why objects go viral. Specifically, academics and business stakeholders have sought to discover how specific videos, images, and songs
Categories: 2014, The Gnovis Blog
Positioning Theory & the Human Psyche
Aside from possible universal aspects of the human psyche, what else is there to make each unique? This post explains one possible answer to this question by presenting a recent theory in social ps
Categories: 2013, The Gnovis Blog
History Does Re-actualize Itself: Intertextuality and Social Change
“There can be no statement that does not reactualize others.” Norman Fairclough (1992), a linguistic, quotes Foucault in his book Discourse and Social Change. In other words, nothing we say is compl
Categories: 2012, The Gnovis Blog
Redefining Sisterhood
I recently found myself at a consortium meeting for women’s organizations. The passion in the room was palpable and the work that was being done on behalf of women around the world was vital and humbl
Categories: 2012, The Gnovis Blog
The Internet is…: Globalizing Adolescence & Adolescent Globalization
This essay shamelessly attempts one of the most common fads of our time: that is, taking the Internet and stuffing it into one singular box with one singular framework and thus one singular effect. M
Categories: 2012, Globalization Column, The Gnovis Blog
When can a token not be a token?: Indirectly legitimizing status discrimination through language
In his book “Discourse and Social Change” (1992) Norman Fairclough writes, “Discourse practices contribute to reproducing society as it is—explaining what is going on as well as transforming it.” He r
Categories: 2012, The Gnovis Blog
Weighing the Costs of the World Cup
The FIFA World Cup, along with the Olympic Games, is one of the few truly global entertainment events, with the largest worldwide viewing audience for a sporting event and over 200 countries from eve
Categories: 2012, Globalization Column, The Gnovis Blog
Why I might no longer be a vegetarian
My path toward vegetarianism was well-established by the time I left for college. For more than a decade now I have eschewed the consumption of animals. Through spats of veganism and many years of sub
Categories: 2012, The Gnovis Blog