Gnovicon 25 – Call for Posters

Gnovicon 25 – Poster Session (March 17, 2025 | Washington, DC)
2025 marks 25 years since the launch of gnovis, Georgetown University’s only peer-reviewed, student-run academic journal dedicated to graduate research on technology and society. The editorial team is excited to celebrate this milestone at our Spring 2025 conference, which will include a poster session highlighting current research from emerging scholars in the DC Metro, Maryland, and Virginia areas. gnovis welcomes poster submissions from graduate students across all disciplines that examine the nexus of communication, culture, and technology, or intersections between any two of these areas. Authors are encouraged to submit posters of completed or ongoing original research representing a diversity of topics.
This may include, but is not limited to:
- science and technology studies
- traditional and new media studies
- literary/film analysis
- cultural criticism
- cultural identity and politics
- politics and new media/emerging technologies
- art and new media/emerging technologies
- mediated communication and digital representation
- race/class/sexuality/gender and new media/emerging technologies
- design thinking and UX
- linguistics and new media/emerging technologies
To submit, please send an extended abstract and author bio to by Friday, February 21st. Submissions will be thoroughly reviewed by the Gnovis Editorial Board based on their relevance to the conference’s key themes mentioned above.
Poster Submission Guidelines
- Poster abstracts should be roughly 700–1,500 words. Abstracts should include a description of the purpose and significance of the project, the chosen methodology, and final (or preliminary) results or conclusions reached. Only abstracts clearly related to the disciplines of communication, culture, and technology (or any intersections of two of the three areas) will be considered.
- Submitting an abstract commits authors to presenting their poster at Gnovicon if the abstract is accepted for presentation. Gnovicon will be held on Monday, March 17th at the Georgetown University main campus in Washington, DC.
- Authors must also submit a 150-word biography which will be used in the conference program if the abstract is accepted for presentation.
- Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to design their posters and email them as a PDF file to the gnovis team for printing by Wednesday, March 5th. Posters need to be 24 in x 48 in and can be in portrait or landscape format. Authors do not need to print the posters themselves; the gnovis team will handle the printing.
- For guidance on how to design your poster, as well as suggestions on what to include, we refer you to these helpful pointers from the organizers of the Georgetown University Round Table. Again, these are only suggestions, and we encourage students to design their poster based on
If you have any questions, please email