Archive: Globalization Column
Say it Differently?
The following video was produced by JESS3 for The Economist and highlights, in 6 minutes, the main points of a 150 page report called the “Women’s Economic Opportunity Index.” Two things struck me about the video, the first being the content and the second being the form. The discussion of what form to use when communicating development and economic data is a critical conversation to have.
Categories: Globalization Column, The Gnovis Blog
Child of the Dark: What do we hear?
When thinking about how cultural representations of people in developing countries get transmitted to the developed world, one novel that bridges that gap is Child of the Dark: The Diary of Carolina M
Categories: Globalization Column, The Gnovis Blog
State of the Union, Modern City Planning, and Bloodletting: Interdisciplinarity, Anyone?
In his 2011 State of the Union Address, President Obama made the point that “There are hundreds of thousands of students excelling in our schools who are not American citizens [. . .] who come here fr
Categories: 2011, Globalization Column, The Gnovis Blog
Recognizing Culture
In my last post , I ended with the following statement: “Depicting development is a struggle, but we must always remain cognizant of culture and relational representations.” Understanding culture is necessary not only to depict development but also to enact development projects. This is understood as necessary and imperative for all development practitioners.
Categories: 2011, Globalization Column, The Gnovis Blog