Archive: Journal
U.S. E-Government Post September 11th
Abstract: As the United States and the rest of world mourned in the wake of September 11th, 2001 and grew incensed by the faceless cowardice of the ensuing Anthrax mailings, few could have suspected
Categories: Earlier to 2006, Journal
Realism & Subjectivity in First-Person Shooter Games
Abstract: As video games and the genre of the first-person shooter have become increasingly detailed and immersive, manufacturers, gamers and critics have often remarked on the realistic experience t
Categories: Earlier to 2006, Journal
Bond Girls: Gender, Technology and Film
Abstract: In both society and its cinematic representations, technology and culture are bound together, acting and reacting to one another. These bonds have combined to transform gender. In this pape
Categories: Earlier to 2006, Journal
The Implementation Gap: Leveraging a New Opportunity for Gains in Multilateral Negotiations
No Abstract available. Full Article (PDF):Nicole-Andrews-The-Implementation-Gap.pdf
Categories: Earlier to 2006, Journal
Fusing the Social and the Technical: A Technology Assessment of FEWSNet and Positive Social Externalities in Burkina Faso
Abstract: Focusing on the process of technological diffusion in participatory development, and studying it in practice, is fundamental to understanding how technology can improve development. Rogers
Categories: Earlier to 2006, Journal
Knowledge Management Project for Forty Plus of Greater Washington
Abstract: This paper details a knowledge management project conducted for the non-profit group Forty Plus. It was authored by Olga Heifets, Shilpa A. Hart, Chaeny Emanavin, and Brian Mahler. Full Art
Categories: Earlier to 2006, Journal
Virtual proximity: Creating Connection in an Online Fan Community
Abstract: The advent of the Web has extended the possibilities of fandom. Fan clubs have moved into cyberspace where the Web provides a new context to fandom as a form of socialization around a commo
Categories: Earlier to 2006, Journal
The Limits of Technology for Sustainable Development Challenges: Rovieng, Cambodia
Abstract: The widespread deployment of Internet technologies is dramatically impacting the world's information infrastructures thereby reducing the planet to a much smaller place. New worldwide connec
Categories: Earlier to 2006, Journal
Virtual Reality, Decadence, and the Will to God: A Rebours and Mondo 2000
Abstract: The replication of reality to ensure its control is behavior as old as Plato's shadows on the wall. Postmodern analysis seems to enjoy this way of looking at the world, in which experience
Categories: Earlier to 2006, Journal
Genome and Property Rights
Abstract: Researchers quickly realized that a complete sequence marks not the end but beginning of a long and complex process. The challenge now facing biologists is to determine how genetic informat
Categories: Earlier to 2006, Journal