Archive: sociolinguistics
Creation Nets and the Future of Social Networks
Since the beginning of the new year, there has been much talk of Facebook’s Graph Search and the company’s attempt to quantify the information goldmine that makes up a social network. Analyzing how in
Categories: 2013, The Gnovis Blog
History Does Re-actualize Itself: Intertextuality and Social Change
“There can be no statement that does not reactualize others.” Norman Fairclough (1992), a linguistic, quotes Foucault in his book Discourse and Social Change. In other words, nothing we say is compl
Categories: 2012, The Gnovis Blog
When can a token not be a token?: Indirectly legitimizing status discrimination through language
In his book “Discourse and Social Change” (1992) Norman Fairclough writes, “Discourse practices contribute to reproducing society as it is—explaining what is going on as well as transforming it.” He r
Categories: 2012, The Gnovis Blog