Archive: AI
Navigating the Labyrinth: Misinformation and AI in the Information Age by Maria Fernanda Chanduví
What is truly concerning is the increasing sophistication of deepfakes, which are becoming more difficult to distinguish from genuine content. Election season is a particular target for misinformation and deep fakes, and the potential for widespread use of deepfakes is concerning, especially regarding vulnerable demographics.
Categories: 2024, The Gnovis Blog
Can Artificial Intelligence be Creative?
More than 2000 years ago, Plato made several interesting references to the notion of creativity, in the Socratic dialogues. In Meno, Socrates claims that “when poets produce truly great poetry, they do it not through knowledge or mastery, but rather by being divinely “inspired” by the Muses”. In another dialogue, Socrates contemplates the origins of new knowledge, which can be interpreted as creative thinking. Socrates wondered how can existing knowledge evolve into new ideas. When asked by Meno, “will we say, of a painter, that he makes something?”, Socrates responded, “no, he merely imitates”.
Categories: 2022, Recent Blog Posts, The Gnovis Blog