Hung Up on You

Posted in 2011 The Gnovis Blog Video  |  Tagged , , , ,

Hung Up on You from Colleen Valentine on Vimeo.
For my multimedia piece this semester, and in conjunction with Garrison LeMaster’s Digital Texts class, I created a vid. Ooo, a video you say! How nice! No, a vid. Introduced to the concept of vidding while in graduate school, it is a form of fan fiction, dating back to the 1960’s, where clips from TV shows are set to music. In Media Res has a great overview (many thanks to Jack Harrison).
My Vid, Hung Up On You, is a tribute to Tyra Banks and her reality show America’s Next Top Model . Most vid’s about ANTM are tributes to contestants who were voted off too early, or fan favorites. This vid is also a critique on modern day beauty aesthetics, and the prominence of supermodels as idols for American girls growing up. Further, it notes the dominance of celebrity in our culture – as not only I am, but the contestants, are Hung Up on Tyra – waiting for her call every night and day.