Archive: 2007

  • Fall 2007 Editor's Note

    It is with great pleasure, and a healthy dose of pride, that I introduce the Fall 2007 Issue of gnovis – the culmination of an exhilarating but busy summer and fall. Though labeled Volume 8, Number 1, this issue is, to my knowledge, the first formal issue released by gnovis: six articles, published simultaneously, as a set. As a principally online journal, gnovis has in the past—for better or worse—had the ability to accept and publish articles on a rolling basis. However, in the interests of increasing our output, locking down our workflow, and expanding our readership, we decided that it was time to switch to a more traditional publication process.
    The result? This issue alone contains more papers than were published in any one of the previous four academic years, and we’re only halfway through the year. Our submission rate has nearly doubled over last year, and we’ve received a very welcome influx of articles from outside of Georgetown University, one of which has been included in this issue.
    Our new publication process isn’t the only change at gnovis this year. We’ve also diversified our online content, which now includes a blog and a podcast, in addition to the journal. All of our content is available on our website, at

    Categories: 2007, The Gnovis Blog Tag:

  • Implications of WikiScanner

    There’s been a growing buzz about Virgil Griffith‘s WikiScanner for several weeks, but it didn’t catch my eye — or ear — until I listened today to an Aug 22 podcast from the Chronicle of Higher Ed, featuring an interview of Griffith himself.

    Categories: 2007, The Gnovis Blog

  • The Copyright Battle in a Digital World: Where Napster Failed, Will YouTube Succeed?

    “There is no absolute way to prevent people from copying the digital versions of your text, your music, your movie, or your data. If a computer will interpret the data and let someone use it, then that same computer can be programmed to grab the data and make a copy of it. The flexibility and programmability of these machines are a double-edged sword.

    Categories: 2007, The Gnovis Blog

  • Dad's Cancer: A Multimedia Illness Narrative Experiment

    "Dad's Cancer: A Multimedia Illness Narrative Experiment" juxtaposes a personal, emotional narrative about cancer with scholarly work about technology, memory/remembering and the illness experience,

    Categories: 2007, The Gnovis Blog

  • Making the Case for a gnovis Blog

    Let’s acknowledge something right from the start: gnovis has been a little slow out of the gates with this blogging thing. The Chronicle of Higher Education–hardly the hippest indicator of social trends–was publishing articles about blogging as early as 2003.

    Categories: 2007, The Gnovis Blog

  • Manufactured Diversity

    "Manufactured Diversity" is a blunt interrogation of outdoor advertising in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of DC in early 2007, in the midst of a complete redevelopment of the intersection of 14th

    Categories: 2007, The Gnovis Blog