• What Does the Journalism Crisis Mean for New Media?

    For the past six weeks, gnovis (and everybody else on the Interwebs) has been a bit preoccupied with the conflict between online media and print journalism – an understandable preoccupation, given the recent closing of the Rocky Mountain News and warning signs from other presses. (The latest buzz even says that San Francisco may soon be without a major newspaper altogether.)

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • Blog Wrap Up: Technological Ambivalence

    gnovis is typically the face of new media at CCT, but this week our bloggers express ambivalence regarding trends in new media. Margarita, Jason, Gregg and Lauren all discuss various negative consequences that have come with media trends.

    Margarita explored the blurry line in between false advertisements and images of fantasy.

    “After all, there is no way to open an advertisement to see what’s really inside.”

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • Quest For Community: The Digital Transformation of Third Places and Why They Matter for Public Discourse

    Do we have a problem of place in America?

    As suburban sprawl expands its reach, commute times between work and home steadily increase, and big box retailers have replaced store fronts once owned and managed by the members of local communities, many scholars — whether in sociology, urban planning or political science — are concerning themselves with this question.

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • Putting a face to the Journalistic Crisis

    610xWhen I think of what is happening to the journalism industry, I think of Tim Pallesen. We worked in the same newsroom and represented opposite ends of spectrum. I was a year out of college after a short stint at a community newspaper; he was a weathered, longtime reporter in our area. He’d covered my area of South Florida for an excess of 30 years. He had a column that took a different location in our city each week and told us the history of it. He’d been there long enough to know it.

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • Reality TV's Final Frontier

    The swift infiltration of reality television over the networks and cable stations have redefined concepts of privacy, celebrity and entertainment. We’ve watched our friends and neighbors live together on Big Brother, Survivor and The Real World; we’ve seen lonely men and women find the love of their life; we’ve watched destructive families swap moms; we’ve watched some of America’s most obese shed weight and tears on The Biggest Loser; we’ve watched folks face their worst nightmares on Fear Factor; and we’ve watched B-list celebrities battle drug addictions on Celebrity Rehab.

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • Enlarged to Show Texture: Should Fashion Magazines Be Forced to Disclose Photographic Manipulation?

    I have a distinct memory from my first year of immigrating to America involving cereal boxes.  I remember looking at the bowls on the front filled with monster sized cereal and feeling completely confused when, upon opening the box, I would inevitably discover a much smaller version.  We didn’t have cereal in Russia, nor did we have advertising, and the discrepancy remained a mystery until I learned to read English well enough to understand the “Enlarged to show texture” disclaimer.

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • Wrapup: "T" is for Technology, "t" is for thesis

    On gnovis…

    thesis typewritter

    In her debut post on gnovis, Venessa Miemis wrote about the potential impacts of social media and geospatial technology on social change: “Local level real-time mapping is making the world a seemingly smaller, more transparent and manageable place. The information it provides, like any map of value, helps us understand the patterns and relationships within our surroundings and gives clues about what action to take to achieve desired results.”

    For the rest of the week, busy thesis writers began to introspect on how their projects related to CCT, and each other.

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • 26 theses and the only common denominator is the colon

    Let’s play a game! You tell me your thesis topics and I’ll figure out what you guys study at CCT!

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • How My Thesis Relates to Anything, Anywhere

    This is what I’m writing my thesis about.  Well, not these huts exactly but the Civil War re-enactors who inhabit them. I know right, what the hell am I doing in a technology program with people studying things like free culture and media markets?  Funny you should ask…

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • Mapping the Geospatial World: A Tool for Social Change

    It’s part of human nature to label, classify, and quantify the world around us. We feel empowered when we’re able to create structure and meaning out of our surroundings. Maps have been used for thousands of years to that end; enabling us to plot a course, make informed decisions of paths to take, and decide which trajectory will give us desired results. In today’s modern culture, digital media has taken mapping to a whole new level, giving us the ability to visualize our world in 3D, and on a global scale.

    Category: The Gnovis Blog