Archive: The Gnovis Blog
Why This Will Be the Worst Black History Month in our Postracial History
It has been an exciting month here in the postracial United States. Rod Blagojevich proclaimed that he was blacker than Obama in Esquire magazine.
Category: The Gnovis Blog
Twilight and Domestic Violence: Eclipsing Strange Desires
Category: The Gnovis Blog
Vidding Glee
My personal history with online media fandom extends back to when I was eleven or twelve and first discovered slash fanfiction, which takes characters from books, television programming, and films and uses them as points of departure for queer romance and erotica. For a young gay boy who had very few other venues for the consumption of such narratives, this was, predictably perhaps, a pretty big moment.
Category: The Gnovis Blog
Vidding: Grassroots Media Criticism
As graduate students of Communication Culture and Technology, many of us aspire to be experts in media criticism. We have experience with content analysis, thick description, and deconstructing texts. We’ve read the theories and done the research. Our mission is to boldly explore the hidden meaning and messages within visual, textual, and audio media. This brings me to Vidding.
Category: The Gnovis Blog
The New Democracy and the Stories Objects Tell Us
For many, democracy only means to vote once every couple of years. The process is more or less the same around the world. People go to polls, every three or four years, to elect public officials. Durıng the remaining time, it is the pub
lic officials who make decisions about every aspect of the citizen’s life.
Category: The Gnovis Blog
Google, Motorola, Hillary Clinton and US-China Relations
With the creation of any ICT (information communication technology) there is always the utopian idea that the new innovation (whether it be Morse code, transcontinental railroads or the internet) will make the world seem smaller and lead to new relationships between cultures. In the past couple weeks there have been three events garnering wide attention in the blogosphere and mainstream press that have us examining US-China relations. It is worth taking a brief look at these three events in one space to capture what may become a defining moment.
Category: The Gnovis Blog
The Necessity of Change
As an English graduate student studying the teaching of writing and literature, the last thing I expected to develop was an interest in new media and technology. Yet, after only one semester of teaching a course on introductory writing and research to college freshman, I was convinced of the impossibility of teaching a subject—any subject—without also considering how modern communication technology had changed a once stable set of social practices.
Category: The Gnovis Blog
The Press and A Special Election: Making An Underdog Break His Leash
Many students of politics, media studies, communication, and journalism have often heard the phrase to describe the press: “If it bleeds, it leads (or reads).” The focus on the sensational and action-worthy is characteristic of an American culture infatuated with infotainment , but also the product of the press’ role in society.
Category: The Gnovis Blog
What is Social Media? [the 2010 edition]
We’ve entered into a new year, the channels have been flooded with list upon list of 2010 predictions and trends, and now we’re laying the foundations for how we’d like to characterize the times – David Houle is calling it the Transformation Decade , a tweet from @RitaJKing mentioned The Imagination Age, and Seth Godin rang in the new year with a post titled
Category: The Gnovis Blog
The Re-Emergence of the Terror Frame
The attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner bound for Detroit on Christmas day and the Obama administration’s incoherent response to the terrorist event has sparked the re-emergence of the “terror frame,” which had been temporarily replaced in the American consciousness by more immediate and daily concerns associated with the economic crisis.
Category: The Gnovis Blog