Archive: 2010

  • Amtrak: My Weekend Affair

    This semester, I spent a lot of time on public transportation. Since September, I have taken 15 Amtrak rides, average train ride 3 hours 20 minutes, for a total of 2 full days on Amtrak, and then there are all the subway rides to and from the train station in two cities, as well as weekly transportation to and from school.

    Categories: 2010, The Gnovis Blog

  • Love and Marriage in Outsourced

    I’m always excited to make room in my TV calendar for the hot new show.

    Categories: 2010, The Gnovis Blog

  • Consuming the Metaphor II: Art Fairs and Edible Exhibitons

    With the ever-present dueling powers of the art world/ art market, how does one find new ways to address commodification and consumerism in the arts? One artist, Jennifer Rubell has devised her solution to the problem: allow your visitor’s to consume your work. Literally.

    Categories: 2010, The Gnovis Blog

  • In Response to "Are You Hardcore?"

    While reading Meredith’s most recent post—“Are You Hardcore?”—I was immediately reminded of my first gnovis entry, about Jon Stewart’s then-upcoming “Rally to Restore Sanity” and Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally. In that post, I posited that the rallies’ respective billings were indicative of each side’s conception of American national identity.

    Categories: 2010, The Gnovis Blog

  • My Coffee Makes The World A Better Place

    In their essay, the “Public Sphere and Experience”, Negt and Kluge first trace the development of a new form of the public sphere that they call the ‘industrialized production public sphere’. This understanding of the possibility of publicity (where publicity refers to the information, views and opinions that actually get heard and circulate within the public sphere) includes a wide range of activities from the internet and social media to personal consumption practices.

    Categories: 2010, The Gnovis Blog