Wrapup: Digital Stories, Academic Freedom, A Twitter Smackdown, and the End of News

Posted in The Gnovis Blog

In lieu of our usual comprehensive weekly wrapup, I’d like to use the first part of this post to call out some of the recent non-blog activity at gnovis, specifically the launch of our website’s new multimedia section , featuring some of CCTs explorations in non-traditional academic research. Currently, the section includes 10 projects, mostly “Digital Stories” produced for Dr Michael Coventry’s classes. We plan to expand, though, so if you’ve got digital scholarship that you’d like to see online, just let us know!

And, briefly, this week at gnovis:

  • Jed kicked things off with my favorite pet topic: why twitter is not a waste of time . “That said, why is no one questioning Facebook status updates? The complaints against twitter paint a portrait of self-obsessed users compelled to post every last thought lest they risk their psyches falling apart.” Jed’s post drew a verbal slapping from the NYTs David Pogue, accusing Jed of misquoting him… but Jed actually got it right. Check out the comments to read the whole exchange.
  • Margarita discussed attempts in the Georgia state legislature to cut funding for Queer theory and other “unnecessary” research. “Is this an attempt to spread a particular religious agenda couched in economic terms?  Or is it an economic argument to be taken at face value?
  • Jason Turcotte, our NYU correspondent, lamented the economic woes of the newspaper industry – “There’s no doubt the economy has exacerbated the demise of print journalism but I believe this has less to with that or one medium displacing another, and more to do with how we’re using the new technology.

If you’re on campus today, swing by the CCT lounge today for a gnovis happy hour, 4:30pm-7pm.