Meet our Growing gnovis Family

Posted in The Gnovis Blog

As you may have noticed, gnovis blog has featured some new faces lately. For three years now, gnovis hosted diverse topics at the intersection of communication, culture, and technology, yet most of the writers were students at the same program, CCT. I am happy to say that starting this semester, the conversations on gnovis blog extend well beyond the walls of CCT.

gnovis now hosts bloggers from universities across the U.S. We have MA and Ph.D. candidates from NYU, Indiana University at Bloomington and the New School. Our bloggers are interdisciplinary, yet each of them brings a specific focus and expertise. Together, these bloggers are helping to improve the breath and depth of our interdisciplinary digital dialogue.

I am happy to introduce you to our Lead and Contributing Bloggers from near and far:

Gnovis Lead Bloggers:

Michael Davidson (Georgetown University, CCT) is deeply committed to progressive political issues. His research experience includes English and Composition and focuses on communication and rhetorical practices in social, political, and cultural contexts

Josh Scacco (Georgetown University, CCT) joins gnovis as a blogger with a passion for all things political. He has research experience in Rhetoric, Political Communication and Economics.

Contributing Bloggers from near and far:

Jason Turcotte (New York University, Media, Culture & Communication) has been a valued contributor to gnovis for over one year now. Jason’s disciplinary background is in both Communications and Political Science and focuses on political and persuasive communication.

Brian Mehler (Georgetown University, CCT) has a BA in English and focused his studies on the role of new media in contemporary art, critical theory and digital poetics.

Greg Perreault (Georgetown University, CCT) is a Journalist by trade and passion. His is interested in the the influence of media on society. He has a particular interest in media influence on culture, especially religion.

Firat Soylu (Indiana University, Instructional Systems Technology and Cognitive Science) joined gnovis in September and has consistently been one of our more popular bloggers. His scholarship looks at how education, learning, cognition and neuroscience come together to meet the great challenge of understanding how humans learn and make sense of things in the social, cultural and physical contexts in which they are situated.

Mark Millard (Indiana University, Information Science) studies areas of social informatics, human-computer interaction (HCI), computer-mediated communication (CMC), and ICT literacy

Molly Shea (New York University, Visual Culture) received a Bachelor’s degree in Art History at Smith College and has been exploring media studies as a way to inform her interest in contemporary video and installation art. Her current research interests include: cyborgs, transgender studies, memory studies, zoology, tactical bio-politics and apocalypse narratives.

Andrew Hare (The New School, Media Studies) received his BA degree in Film and Art History and his current work focuses on intersections between continental philosophy and new media.



Jack Harison (Georgetown University, CCT) is interested in Cultural Studies. He is most interested in issues of race and the hip hop community as well as a recent interest in technology and debates around authenticity and cyborgism.

I’m very happy to be helping to build this interdisciplinary discourse featuring such a fine cadre of scholars. Many of you may have thought of blogging or dabbled with it in the past, but lack of time, inconsistent content flow, and small traffic flow can discourage. By pooling our efforts as well as our social networks, we can create a rich and diverse community of scholars. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts!

Please contact me at for more information regarding academic blogging with gnovis.