Blog wrapup: The media we produce, must be consumed

Posted in The Gnovis Blog

social-media-peopleIt’s your weekly round up. This week, conversations seem to be all about media production, and use. How do we produce media and technology, and what happens to us when we actually consume it?

On gnovis:

Ashley optimistically considers the future of “mainstream media” given the “parasitic” rise of blog-based news:

“The sense that the blogosphere is parasitic or incapable of producing ‘interesting’ and “important” stories stems from the notion that bloggers cannot get access to the information needed for ‘real’ stories. However, I think that the New York Times might be starting to move to a place where its web content will continue to provide insightful analysis in addition to posting the raw data/documents/citations that they have access to.”

Trish examines the rhetoric of cloud computing given the rise of technologies such as Google Docs, Pandora and Flickr. She stands with open arms, adopting so called “cloud computing technologies”, but is curious about the implications of the term:

“The metaphor, cloud computing, rhetorically suggests that the material structure of computing has been dissolved into the ether. It resembles the fantasy of teleporting on Star trek. It also resembles when Professor of Robotics at Carnegie Mellon Hans Moravec, proposed transition from body bound human existence toward a cleaner more efficient consciousness free of the messy and vulnerable body.”

Around CCT:

Kevin Donovan, on his blog Blurring Boarders, wonders about our relationship with media provider s. “The big content companies have so perverted public perception of intellectual property and the Internet that people presume that any good service online is illegal. Think about that!”

James Chen, meanwhile, points us to an article on the impact of Internet access in rural Afric a. “One of the questions the article brings up is how much of a difference Internet access will make when many of the targeted users are illiterate. Should development efforts be focused first on basic necessities like food, clean water, and roads?”

Around the Blogosphere:

Brad points us towards a post at Free Culture News covering the news that The Associated Press is claiming it is the rights holder for the photograph on which Shepard Fairey’s “HOPE” is based. I know, via NPR and a recent road trip, that Fairey is claiming that as an artist he has rights to re-appropriate content , and given that this piece is now in the National Portrait Gallery here in D.C., perhaps the AP is a little late on this one.

It’s official: DTV “hard date” has been pushed back, to June 12th (via Engaget ), and CCT Alumni, Jessica Vitak, tells us what she really thinks about the DTV Delay Act: “Oh come on people! This changeover has been in the works for more than 12 YEARS! Ads have been running for more than one year!” I couldn’t agree more.

Oh, and happy five years Facebook!