Blog Wrap Up: Inauguration, Rationality and the Ubiquity of Twitter

Posted in The Gnovis Blog

As everyone recuperates from Inauguration weekend, the blogosphere is buzzing with inauguration reflections, planning for the new administration and social media critique.

On Gnovis:

Reflecting on her Inauguration Weekend experience , Trish discusses embodiment and offers some reasons why being there in person, despite the giant screens, is still a more authentic experience than watching it online.

The irony to desire physical presence to watch a large screen was not lost on me as I shivered this morning in our Nation’s capital. Would I do it again? Absolutely!

Around CCT:

Prompted by Dan Ariely’s “Predictably Irrational” Mark grapples with the concept of rationality in the context of economics, arguing for a less teleological definition.

Ultimately, for economic models to be a representation of the phenomena of life and decisions it has to first recognize that our lives are more than a means to an end, but a journey as well.

Michael Nelson spoke as a Panelist at the Roundtable Discussion on Cyberpolicy , where he discussed “the most pressing Internet related issues that the new administration will face.” The series of six videos cover topics such as cybersecurity, expanding access to the Internet in less developed countries, and the evolution of the Domain Name System.

CCT related

In addition to taking up global Internet issues, the Obama administration is being confronted with technology problems closer to home . Shared by Jed, this post discusses the “Mac-free technological museum” tech-savvy Obama staffers encountered upon moving into the White House. But is it a question of “digital pioneers getting cast back into the Stone Age” or of a privileged elite learning how the rest of the country has to work”?

Reacting to the myriad of articles about Twitter being the “first source of news alert on the US Airways flight 1549 crash-landing in New York’s Hudson river”, Gaurav proposes The Digital News Lifecycle – an updated framework for how unplanned news gets disseminated.

Let’s get used to it. From this moment onwards, every accident worth reporting, anywhere in the world, will be…sent to a microblogging service like Twitter… we will do well to expect it to happen, and reserve our surprise for the cases when it doesn’t happen.