Blog Wrap Up: Death, Post-Election, and Conceptual Art

Posted in The Gnovis Blog

On Gnovis: Halloween arrives three weeks late

The CSCW conference inspired Jed to write about user death (both voluntary and involuntary, physical and digital) and the implications this has for Social Networking Sites (SNS). Jess Vitak responds with her own take on why users don’t delete their profiles: "the costs are too high and the incentives are too low." What do you think?

While scholars of SNS grapple with user death, Hollywood deals with death by monster.

Trish discussed Hollywood monster evolution as a prism for looking at the development in film technology. “Filmmakers are not only taking on the challenge of creating realistic monsters – they are representing them subjectively, placing the viewer within the mise-en-scene.”

Around CCT: Post election analyses abound

CCT student Rachel Schaeffer compares Obama’s and McCain’s campaigns , pointing out that although both campaigns attempted to frame themselves as opposite of Bush’s insider cabinet, Obama "successfully harnessed the criticism of groupthink and demonstrated his
open mentality when discussing both his campaign style and a future
Obama administration.

On her personal blog, Ashley proposes another reason why the Obama campaign was successful , but why not every campaign, despite a good online social network strategy can be. She suggests that "without a solid message or a good candidate all the technology in the world won’t help.

Nick Urban takes us back to the primaries , while Mark Wegner pulls in the 2000 elections for a comparison .

And on an unrelated, but unignorable note, what ARE the students in Garrison’s class up to ?

In the Blogosphere: Google inspiring conceptual artists

In Pittsburgh, members of justseeds, an artist cooperative, invited Google Inc. Street View team and residents of Pittsburgh’s Northside to collaborate on a project to stage street scenes as the Google team drove by: Street with a View . (link courtesy of Morgan)

The Glue Society, an australian group of artists, used Google Earth shots to create a series of classic biblical scenes for their project "God’s Eye View" .