Interview with Brad Hargreaves

Posted in Podcast

In this episode of the gnovis podcast, I sat down with Brad Hargreaves, the President and Chief Executive Officer of GoCrossCampus (GXC) to talk about his company and its impact on colleges (and companies) across the United States (and Mexico and India).
Brad was at Georgetown to speak to first year CCT students about the game in which they are participating as a part of CCTP 505: Introduction to Communication, Culture and Technology class and took some time to answer my questions. He discusses the inspiration for GoCrossCampus, the relationship between the virtual and the real, some challenges that the company is facing and his vision for its future.
For more on gaming and virtual worlds, you can also listen to the very first gnovis podcast – an interview with Ted Castranova , author of “Synthetic Worlds”.

Artist: gnovis, Georgetown’s peer-reviewed journal of Communication, Culture & Technology (CCT)
Title: Interview with Brad Hargreaves
Album: Gnovis Podcasts
Genre: Interview
Year: 2008
Length: 17:46 minutes (4.07 MB)
Format: Mono 22kHz 32Kbps (CBR)