• Hipsters as a Community of Practice

    I’d like to think I’m on to something with this hipster stuff.

    Over the last few weeks, Andrew Sullivan, a blogger for The Atlantic Monthly, has posted extensively on hipster culture, proffering reflections on christian hipsters and black hipsters, also known as “blipsters.”

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • The Melting Pot and Me

    I swear New Yorkers were born with three hands: one for their coffee, one for their cigarette and one for their cell phone. And most days I’d like to slap all three right out of their hand. While I am not, nor will ever be a real New Yorker, I do, for better or worse, reside here. When people from back home or college ask how I like living in NYC I never respond with “I love it” or “I hate it.” I simply say “it’s an experience.” And I think most of the non-natives tend to agree.

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • Acknowledging the Summer Lull, and a Fond (but partial) Farewell

    Regular gnovis readers have no doubt noticed a dropoff in our blogging output over the last three weeks. This is becoming a bit of an annual summer tradition for us, as it certainly is for many other student-powered publications, but is accentuated this year by the graduation of five of our seven staff members, including all three members of our new media team.

    Category: The Gnovis Blog

  • Spring 2009 Editor's Note

    In this issue of gnovis, the emphasis is on the social.

    All five of our authors grappled with issues surrounding the social construction of technology. Their works investigate how the oft complex relationships between individuals and organizations can transform a technology and present unintended applications: whether with video games, Wikipedia, or the economy.

    Categories: 2009, Journal Tag:

  • Camera Phone Images: How The London Bombings in 2005 Shaped the Form of News

    Abstract: The London bombings in July of 2005 signaled a turning point in global news coverage. Survivors on the ground transmitted mobile phone images to social networks, family and friends, as well

    Categories: 2009, Journal

  • Academics’ Views On and Uses of Wikipedia

    Abstract: Web 2.0 technologies bring both opportunities and challenges to our formalization of collective knowledge and its use. The collective generation of knowledge without the control of a centra

    Categories: 2009, Journal

  • A Shift Realized: The Banking Crisis as the First Postmodern Event

    Abstract: We can easily understand the cultural logic inherent in the global financial crisis as a 'world historical moment,' a moment where the very tenets of globalization and mediation are being ch

    Categories: 2009, Journal

  • It Came From the East… Japanese Horror Cinema in the Age of Globalization

    Abstract: This essay examines the social negotiations within the structure globalization by investigating the boom of Japanese horror films in the United States, from their emergence in the mid-ninet

    Categories: 2009, Journal

  • Hacking Nostalgia: Super Mario Clouds

    “There is no Game Over anymore –
    it has long since been hacked out.”
    – Raphael Gygax

    Categories: 2009, Journal