Welcome to gnovis, an academic platform for interdisciplinary research.
Gnovis Journal Vol. 24 is out now! Read it here, or access past volumes on DigitalGeorgetown.

Housed within the scholarly community of Georgetown University, gnovis is an academic platform that publishes and promotes graduate student research exploring topics at the nexus of technology, communication and culture. Our name is a hybrid of the first syllables from the Greek word gnosis (“knowledge”) and the Latin word visus (“sight”).
For the past 24 years gnovis has published an annual peer-reviewed scholarly journal. We accept submissions to our academic blog all year long, maintain a podcast channel on Spotify, and host an annual conference in the spring showcasing graduate student research on technology and society.
We hope that gnovis can serve as a useful resource for all site visitors, whether you are a scholar, practitioner, or mere passerby.
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